Impact Of Plastic Surgery Culture on Young people.

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Christy Turlington On "Freaky" Plastic Surgery


   CHRISTY TURLINGTON has revealed her thoughts about plastic surgery, disclosing why she would not consider it for herself
"Maybe I would think differently if I thought it looked good and it didn’t hurt and it didn’t send bad messages to young people," the 47-year-old supermodel confessed in an interview with Town & Country. "But I’ve never seen someone who I’ve been like, 'Oh, that’s a good idea.' It looks freaky to me."
"Being who you are, being your best self, has nothing to do with what you look like," she continued.

Whilst she expressed concern about the impact of the plastic surgery culture on young people, Turlington said that she does not hold the fashion industry accountable when it comes to health issues related to body image.
credit:PA PHOTOS

"I don’t think people get eating disorders by looking at magazines," she said. "I think there’s a much deeper set of issues around a lack of power and control, or something happening in the family."
The mother-of-two added that she would never "blame a magazine or fashion company for that", saying "People have to get over the idea that realism is being projected here."
Turlington herself sets a very positive example on the discourse of self-esteem, disclosing that she does not worry about her looks changing as she gets older.
"I wasn’t worried about ageing at 16, and I’m not worried about it at 47. It’s a fact of life," she reiterated. "It’s good that people close to me see that I’m relaxed and okay about ageing, not neurotic or worried about it. To my kids, I’ll be the mum who barely shaves her legs, who doesn’t colour her hair."

Reference: katie Berrington. published on friday 9 september 2016.